Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An identification and evaluation of the critical elements necessary to design a model post-employment services program for Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) participants at an urban community college

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  • As demands for major, system-wide reforms in the American welfare system are being called for on an almost daily basis, it has become increasingly necessary to identify and evaluate those programs which have attempted to foster a reduction in the level of public assistance subsidies and, particularly, programs that are designed to foster a welfare-to-work transition that is lasting and effective. The present study undertook such a task - the identification and evaluation of the critical elements necessary to create and implement a post-employment services component of the Jobs Opportunity and Basic Skills Program (JOBS) at an urban community college. Through an extensive review of the relevant literature, and an empirical study, this thesis concludes with a series of recommendations describing how a model post-employment services program could augment JOBS activities. Samples of JOBS participants in the Mount Hood Community College Steps to Success Program, JOBS participants' employers, and administrators from various community college-centered JOBS programs across the country were developed. Survey instruments capturing critical information were created by the researcher; data were collected and analyzed, and results are presented. In brief, the study demonstrates that JOBS participants making the welfare-to-work transition continue to require assistance in obtaining and financing child care, transportation subsidies, medical coverage, and supportive services that can include advocacy, counseling, and additional education and training if they are to sustain employment and avoid a return to welfare dependency. The study provides recommendations for numerous service options to be included in such a program.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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