Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Bonding kinetics of thermosetting adhesive systems used in composites

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  • Bonding kinetics of thermosetting adhesives plays an important role within wood based composites during hot pressing, and in determining appropriate processing schedules for the manufacture of composites. A dynamic method has been developed to offer a direct means for investigating physical transformations that occur during bond formation, and the influence that temperature and moisture content together have on this process. Environments for each test are maintained constant and uniform throughout the cross-section of the wood-adhesive combination by injecting selected atmospheres of the appropriate temperature and relative humidity into the sealed pressing system. Desired bond forming conditions are therefore maintained near constant within the system. Many bonds have been formed under a range of steady-state temperatures and moisture contents and immediately tested in tensile mode after a range of forming times. New instrumentation has been developed which is enabling the development of bond strength to be analyzed fundamentally and quantitatively while varying these parameters. Because the factors involved in hot pressing wood based composites are so interactive, this numerical data linking temperature and moisture content to strength development rates during the formation of test bonds is necessary. This is in order to understand haw the conditions that occur in composites during pressing effect bonding. Such basic information can then usefully be used in computer simulation algorithms to model what goes on in the composite. These models may then be used as tools both for the optimization of existing processes and for the development of new materials and generic products.
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