Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth, fabrication and modeling of pseudomorphic laser diodes

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  • This thesis reports on the crystal growth, fabrication, modeling and performance of Graded Index-Separate Confinement Heterostructure laser diodes which contain pseudomorphic InGaAs as the active region material. Laser epitaxial layers were grown with different indium mole-fractions, and a constant InGaAs layer thickness of 10 nm, on both sides of the theoretical Matthews-Blakeslee limit for dislocation formation. Devices fabricated from these epitaxial layers demonstrated room temperature lasing for the 0.0, 0.10 and 0.20 indium mole-fractions, only spontaneous emission for the 0.30 molefraction and no emission at all for the 0.40 mole-fraction. A model was constructed which calculates the spectral gain of quantum well laser diode epitaxial structures of arbitrary design, including the band perturbations due to the inherent strain in the pseudomorphic InGaAs. The transition energy of highest gain, calculated as a function of indium mole-fraction, matches that measured from the fabricated devices. Extension of the model to high indium concentration structures predicts that device operation at 1.3 micron wavelength should be achievable in this system.
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  • Figures in original document are black and white photocopies. Best scan available.



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