Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A dose reconstruction of ⁶⁰Co contaminated window frames in a Taiwanese school

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  • In 1992, hundreds of buildings in Taiwan were discovered to have ⁶⁰Co contamination in the structural rebar. The contamination resulted from improper handling of ⁶⁰Co contaminated scrap metal in 1982 and 1983 that was subsequently recycled and used throughout Taiwan. One example was the Hsin-hsin Kindergarten (HHK) school which had three ⁶⁰Co contaminated steel window frames from which dose rates up to 150 microSieverts (15 millirem) per hour were measured. HHK enrolled about 600 students over the ten year period before the contamination was discovered. A dose reconstruction of the HHK school was performed using ISOSHLD dose modeling software. Results of this experiment were used in conjunction with Crystal Ball® software, which employs a Monte Carlo simulation, to estimate a potential range of doses received by the HHK students. These dose ranges (0.08 /μ Sv h⁻¹ to 75.38 μSv h⁻¹) were then applied to the nominal detriment coefficients for stochastic effects as published in the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Report No. 115, Risk Estimates for Radiation Protection, in order to perform a risk assessment of habitants of the school for the first year after construction. Risk estimates ranged from 1.46 x 10⁻⁴ excess fatal cancers to 7.42 X 10⁻⁴ excess fatal cancers per lifetime.
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