Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Scaling, ash-driven bistability, and other agents of soilscape genesis discovered while digitally mapping soils of the Blue Mountains, Oregon

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  • This dissertation reports on four related, though separate projects. The first project details the process of carrying out a digitally augmented soil mapping (DSM) effort alongside an ongoing survey in Oregon's Ochoco National Forest (ONF) using a Random Forest algorithm. The second chapter describes a initial soil survey in Oregon's largest wilderness, the Eagle Cap Wilderness, using a digital soil mapping (DSM) approach based on fuzzy logic, and presents a new soil covariate based on hillslope transport processes. In Chapter four, a meta-analysis of the soil production function is presented which explores the effect of aridity and rock strength on soil production. Chapter five explores the role of episodic regolith stripping coincident with volcanic ashfall events on the genesis of a landscape in Central Oregon known as the "Scab-Stringer terrain." A recapitulation of the major findings and implications presented in this dissertation are discussed in chapter six. This first chapter introduces pertinent background for each study, and purposefully takes an informal tone. For the sake of ease of reading, citations are primarily reserved for the topical chapters. Keywords: Digital Soil Mapping, Hillslope Geomorphology, Soil Production, Biomantles, Andisols, Semiarid soils
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