Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The development and application of an evaluation questionnaire used to compare opinions towards an audiovisual foodservice training program

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  • The primary purpose of this study was for three select groups to critically appraise the Personal Hygiene for Foodservice Workers sound/slide system. These three groups (Media Specialists, Content Experts and the Learners) were identified in a literature search as being those individuals most directly responsible for evaluating the worth of a program. Three similar but divergent questionnaires were developed for use by the groups. Questionnaire validity was established by means of a DELPHI panel of Media Specialist experts. Reliability was ascertained for two of the questionnaires using the Spearman-Brown formula. The Media Specialist Questionnaire was not tested for reliability, due to the small sample size. The Content Experts consisted of eleven dietitians from seven hospitals (and one nursing home) in the MidWillamette Valley, and thirteen Sanitarians from four Oregon counties that conduct Food Handler training programs for restaurant employees. The Food Handlers from the counties and the Food Service Workers from the hospitals comprised the 163 people in the "Learner" group. The Media Specialist group consisted of ten members, five who acted as the DELPHI panel and five who responded to the questionnaire. Data gathered from the questionnaires were used to measure the differences in opinions among the three groups in their critique of the PHFW program. Data were analyzed on a percentage basis and using a Chi Square statistic to test for significant differences in opinions. Media Specialists were excluded from significance testing, due to their small sample size. Significant associations were observed among the Content Experts and the Learners in four areas: 1) quality of photographs, 2) program organization for understanding of message, 3) program organization and retention, and 4) program length. Both of these groups significantly agreed that the entire program was not interesting and that the narrator's voice was not pleasant, yet stimulating. The Content Experts differed in their opinions in the areas of the accuracy of the program's content, goals, adequate coverage of purpose, and appropriateness for the intended audience. Possible explanations for these results are discussed. The exact role each of these groups should play in the materials selection process needs to be more clearly defined. The research especially conflicts in the area of the Learners and their ability to make wise learning choices. Suggestions for further research are outlined.
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