Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Relationship between learning of basic weaving techniques and visual perception abilities of primary school children

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  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the weaving performance and the visual perception abilities of primary school children. The sample population consisted of 50 first-graders, 26 boys and 24 girls. A measure was developed to test weaving performance; the children participated in a weaving lesson and then their products were evaluated by the author on a seven criterion evaluation form. To test visual perception abilities, the Marianne Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception was administered to the children. A Pearson Product-moment correlation coefficient was used to study the relationship of the variables. The findings reveal that the learning of basic weaving techniques was significantly related to two visual perception abilities: Figure-Ground perception (r = 0.294) and Spatial Relationship (r = 0.314) but not to Eye-Motor Coordination (r = 0.271), Constancy of Shape (r = 0.071), or Position in Space (r = 0.111); neither was the Basic Weaving Score significantly related to the Perceptual Quotient (r = 0.271) nor to the children's chronological age (r = 0.164). The findings provide insight as to two of the factors, Figure- Ground perception and Spatial Relationships, which may be involved in the learning of basic weaving techniques. However, these correlations are very low which might indicate that there are other factors which may be more significantly related to weaving performance than visual perception abilities.
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