Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationships between zinc, iron, and phosphorus in sweet corn

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  • The relationships between zinc, iron, and phosphorus in sweet corn were investigated under field and greenhouse conditions. The soils used in this study (both acid and calcareous) were low in available zinc and phosphorus. The experiments received standard, uniform rates of nitrogen potassium, magnesium, and sulphur. Corn was used as an indicator crop in all experiments. Plant samples from the field experiments consisted of whole plants collected at six weeks and index leaves collected at silking stage, while the middle three leaves were collected at eight weeks from the greenhouse experiment. The plants that showed visual zinc deficiency symptoms contained very high iron contents and responded to applied zinc. When either phosphorus or soil acidity was limiting growth, no response was obtained from applied zinc and the iron levels were low. Applications of phosphorus and lime both apparently induced a zinc deficiency and a high iron uptake by the plant. Under these conditions marked growth responses to applied zinc were obtained and sharp reductions in iron contents of the plants were noted. These results are contradictory to those reported by other workers for the effect of phosphorus and lime on the uptake of iron; normally, these two materials reduce the uptake of iron by the plant. This was actually the case when zinc was adequate but the reverse was true when a zinc deficiency existed. To explain these results, the hypothesis was advanced that one characteristic of a zinc-deficient plant is a high iron content. Although the actual lime and phosphorus effect is probably a reduction of iron uptake, their effect on creating a zinc deficiency and the associated high iron content was most likely the over-riding factor.
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