Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The design, development and testing of an experimental individualized learning system

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  • This study was an experimental investigation of two methods of teaching students the cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills pertaining to the automobile brake system. The methods investigated were the experimental individualized learning system and the traditional group-lecture and demonstration. Experimental Design and Procedure The experiment, conducted during the spring term of 1972, utilized a simple randomized design. One hundred students enrolled in the Automotive Technology program at Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon, were the subjects. They were randomly assigned to two groups of 50 each; the experimental group using the individualized learning system, and the control group using the traditional group-lecture and demonstration method. Pretest measures were obtained as control variables for analysis of covariance test of significance of difference between groups. The pretests consisted of a comprehensive cognitive knowledge paperand- pencil test and a comprehensive psychomotor skills evaluation. The criterion achievement measures, comprehensive cognitive knowledge posttest and a comprehensive psychomotor skills evaluation, were administered upon completion of each instructional treatment. In order to separate the effects of each variable, a preliminary analysis of variance was performed. A significant F value was not reached and, therefore, random assignment of subjects to groups was considered successful. The pretest measures were used as control variables for the two analyses: (a) cognitive knowledge achievement as measured by a paper-and-pencil test, (b) psychomotor skills performance as measured by a psychomotor performance evaluation. The control and criterion data obtained were used to test the two hypotheses. Hypotheses Tested and Findings The statistical analysis of covariance was utilized to test the following null hypothesis: When learning the necessary cognitive knowledge, there will be no significant differences in the mean scores produced by the individualized learning system (experimental group) and the traditional group-lecture and demonstration (control group) method of teaching students the automobile brake system. Finding: No significant difference. By capitalizing on a design strategy used by Walbesser and Carter (1968) in which expected learner outcomes are described in terms of observable behavior, the following hypothesis was tested: All 100 subjects participating in the study will be able to master 100 percent of the psychomotor performance tasks satisfactorily. Finding: The data collected on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis supported the hypothesis in that all subjects did master 100 percent of the psychomotor performance tasks satisfactorily. Therefore, no significant differences were found regarding the instructional methods used to teach the psychomotor skills pertaining to the automobile brake system. Conclusions 1. Methods of instruction studied did not have a significant effect upon cognitive knowledge achievement. 2. Methods of instruction studied did not have a significant effect upon psychomotor skill development. 3. The individualized learning system did promote time as the variable and learning as the constant. 4. The average completion time was 23 hours and 48 minutes for the subjects in the experimental group. The control group utilized 75 hours of instruction to achieve the same performance objectives as the experimental group. Recommendations 1. The individualized learning system can be used to teach the basic unit involving cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills pertaining to the automobile brake system. 2. Investigations to determine the efficiency of instructional systems in other vocational education areas are needed. 3. Additional research concerning the effectiveness of instructional systems with students not enrolled in vocational education courses is needed. 4. Systems utilizing other educational technology components and organized to teach for similar objectives should be developed and tested. 5. Additional research should be designed to test the strength and instructional value of various components of the learning system utilized in the present study. 6. Additional research is needed concerning the rate of learning in terms of time. 7. Research dealing with the cost of instructional systems is needed.
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