Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Community college and university faculty : a comparison of perceptions about professional role

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  • The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions that community college and university faculty have about similarities and differences in their professional roles. The research design included a qualitative ethnographic case study methodology with faculty participants purposively selected from two public colleges in the Pacific Northwest: a community college and a co-located university branch campus. Face-to-face interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed then subjected to analytic induction to provide for the emergence of themes. The community college faculty perceived their own professional role as focused on teaching, whereas they perceived university faculty as more focused on research. The community college faculty also described a perceived academic hierarchy with themselves lower than university faculty. The university faculty perceived their own professional role as combining teaching and research in a complementary way, whereas they perceived community college faculty as burdened by heavy teaching loads. The university faculty also contended that the demands of research and publication placed upon them are not fully understood by others. Faculty from both institutions made comments about the utility of a broader, more comprehensive concept of scholarship as well as the notion of institutional pluralism including a place for both community colleges and universities. Finally, both faculties described the benefits from and barriers to community college and university faculty collaboration and inter-institutional cooperation as well as mechanisms to improve them.
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