Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The development, practice and education of kinlein associates

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  • This study documented the history of the development and practice of the kinlein associate. Consumer dissatisfaction with health care, nursing unrest, and increased demand for long-term care-givers were the antecedents for a paradigm shift to "caring with" persons based upon the theory of esca developed by M. Lucille Kinlein. Interested people wanted to learn how to offer care from this perspective, and informal classes were held in several locations across the nation. The study focused on identifying the teaching methods used by the founder, Miss Kinlein. The methodology was deemed important in an attempt to assure that future kinlein associate teachers reflect the original educational processes and style when Miss Kinlein is no longer teaching. Her methods were considered important for kinlein associate teachers to prepare kinlein associates for practice. To determine Miss Kinlein's teaching methodology, qualitative research was conducted by observing her teaching, face to face interviews with students and kinleiners interested in teaching, and material gathered from the founder, Institute of Esca/Practice of Kinlein, and the Detente Homer, Alaska. Modeling, coaching, and directed inquiry were the primary methods used by Miss Kinlein and Mrs. Raymond, kinleiner of reference at the Homer Detente, in teaching kinlein associates. It was important to ground their teaching in educational theory and the contemporary interest in constructivism philosophy. Principles were extracted from several articles regarding constructivist philosophy/theory and were aligned with principles from the theory of esca used by Miss Kinlein. The parallels between the theory of esca and constructivism were striking. The study concluded by recommending Miss Kinlein and her student teachers examine the constructivism philosophy relative to the kinlein philosophy and theory of esca. The result of this examination may open kinleiner interest to explore similar, new ideas and serve as a spark for an intellectual/philosophical interchange among professional kinleiners and educators. Specific recommendations were given regarding immediate attention to kinlein associate curriculum, videotaping Miss Kinlein teaching various levels of courses, and developing a course on assisting students in moving in esca in learning.
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