Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Ni de aquí ni de alla : A Mythohistoriography of Growing Up In-Between

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  • Stories of the Guatemalan Civil War, which lasted from 1960 until 1996, have often focused on only encapsulating the violence indigenous people experienced at the hands of the Guatemalan government and military. Although these stories contributed to the many civil rights organizing and calls for justice that followed, these types of stories have also constructed a particular dominant narrative, which suggests that indigenous people were passive recipients of violence. Using Aurora Levins Morales' concept of "medicinal histories," and Audre Lorde's "biomythography," I construct a layered retelling of the histories and stories of resistance of the Maya -- K'iche', Kaqchikel, and Ixil people that questions and creates a new history/story of the Guatemalan Civil War. This biomythographical testimonio weaves together multiple histories of the Guatemalan Civil War, indigenous stories of resistance in Guatemala, my family's stories during this time, and my own upbringing as this armed conflict was supposedly ending. With this layering project I create more rounded types of histories/stories, that do not just imply a singular linear type of story telling, but instead suggest that all these stories and struggles are all intertwined. It is my hope that this project will become the beginning of a healing practice that can address the continual erasure and killings of indigenous peoples in Guatemala.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo date range
  • 2017-08-09 to 2018-06-20



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