Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Electronic data processing with specific reference to the preparation, duties, and qualifications of the programmer in the city of Portland, Oregon

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  • Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study was to find the specific qualifications of a programmer in order that counselors and educators can better advise students who are interested in electronic data processing for career purposes. The information received from the data processing companies will offer some criteria on which to design a training program should the colleges and universities desire to expand their offerings in this direction. The Sample: The 33 systems analysts participating in this survey were individuals who were responsible for the success of the data processing function in their firms. Many types of companies were represented in this study. The 91 programmers who were directly associated with the programming function also offered opinions on subject-matter preparation and college training. Method of Study: The first part of the study consisted of seven sections which collected information from employers on programmer activities. Included in these sections were the programmer's Duties and Qualifications; the Curricular Patterns that would best prepare persons for this type of work; and the Undergraduate Preparation in business data processing and the scientific computations. Twenty-five subjects were taken from the curriculum, and employers were free to select the ones they believed important. Sections Four, Five, Six, and Seven collected information on Recruitment of Personnel; Individual Training Programs; Computer Uses; and the Personnel Requirements for this type of work in the future. A special questionnaire was designed for the programmer, so that he could express his own viewpoints relative to his training and experience. Programmers were classified in the following manner: college graduates and non-graduates; business data programmers and scientific programmers. As a result, a comparison was possible between opinions expressed by employers and those of the programmers. One hundred and twenty-four persons familiar with electronic data processing contributed material to this project. Findings of the Study: 1. A programmer can be successful without a college degree, but a degree will increase the opportunities for advancement within a company. 2. Data processing programs at the college level, although recommended, are not necessarily required as long as private business colleges and the manufacturers of equipment continue to provide programmer training. 3. Although it is considered valuable, a curricular emphasis in business is not regarded as the most essential background for a programmer. Businessmen prefer that their employees have a knowledge of many subject areas, rather than specialize in any one phase of the college curricula. Interpretations: Electronic equipment has had a pronounced effect on the manner in which information is processed. To help process this information adequately, the programmer is needed to aid management in acquiring the most efficient use of its electronic equipment. The training of the programmer can be accomplished at the college level, at the private business colleges, and through the manufacturers of equipment. There are unlimited opportunities in the area of electronic data processing for the programmer who is qualified through training and experience. Data processing has affected employment, has provided many new challenges for management, and has had a marked effect on the Business Education curriculum. The colleges and universities will need to appraise their programs in data processing, and business teachers will find it necessary to keep abreast of the many new developments brought about by the electronic revolution.
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