Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation Solid Cancer Risk in Adults : Radiation Hormesis Study Design

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  • Cancer risk at low-dose ionizing radiation has been the subject of great scientific controversy in the past century. The clear majority of national and international radiation protection regulators adopt the linear no-threshold (LNT) model based on the atomic-bomb survivors Life Span Study (LSS) for solid cancer risk assessment. The LNT model assumes a linear relationship between radiation dose and cancer risk including interpolation of high dose values down to zero dose with no ‘safe’ threshold. New scientific evidence in the fields of molecular biology and epidemiology challenge the validity of the LNT model suggesting beneficial effects at low doses of ionizing radiation in a process better known as ‘hormesis’. This paper investigates current evidence for radiation hormesis with respect to solid cancer risks in adults and proposes a modest study design to test the hormesis hypothesis in humans with the potential of using low dose ionizing radiation to reduce solid cancer incidence in a population, if hormesis is proven. Current evidence confirms that hormesis does occur at low dose and low dose rates of low LET ionizing radiation. Every effort should be made from scientists in related fields in order to make the best use of the hormesis phenomenon with the aim of benefiting and protecting the public as the main objectives.
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