Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Optical constants of polar solids

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  • Using the Matsubara Green's function technique we calculate the infrared polariton dispersion relation from the lowest order terms of a Hamiltonian which includes radiation fields and electron effects. The formalism allows generation of higher order interaction terms, one of which contains the Frohlich conduction electron optical phonon interaction. By comparing the relative magnitudes of the higher order terms we are able to determine the most important higher order interaction which is the decay of the transverse optical phonon part of the polariton into two phonons via an enharmonic interaction, This process satisfies a space group selection rule; i, e. , for centrosymmetric crystals the final state phonons cannot be in an overtone state (on the same branch). Using the calculated results of Karo et al. for the combined density of states, which is a description of the two phonon final state, we are able to calculate the polariton self energy and hence the polariton dispersion relation and the optical constants of the polar solid. By constructing an ad hoc two phonon density of states from a sum of gaussians with adjustable height, width, and location, we are able to show that the peaks in the density of states give rise to holes in the reflection spectrum. These peaks correspond to phonon transitions which may be identified from the phonon dispersion curves for the solid.
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