Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A theoretical framework for economic fishery management

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  • A theoretical framework for economic fishery management was developed. Extensive isocline analysis of a general fishery model yielded a detailed look at the possible equilibrium behavior of a system that was allowed to vary in terms of the levels of its environmental parameters, its composition, and the response functions governing the dynamics of its components. The incorporation of both biological and economic subsystems into the model enabled examination of the fishery as a unified bio-economic whole. The isocline analysis provided the basis for a set of six analytical generalizations and their associated corollaries dealing with the multiple steady-state nature of systems, the direction of structural change in systems at equilibrium, and the limits to persistence of individual components in a system. The multiple steadystate nature of systems was found to be manifested in terms of system equilibria defined by intersecting pairs of isoclines within families of isoclines, trajectories tracking single environment-specific equilibria, co-determinate system structure, and families of equilibrium response functions. The direction of structural change in systems at equilibrium was cast in terms of defined norms of behavior, where the stated norms prevailed unambiguously when system kinetic organization met certain requirements. Component persistence was viewed in terms of two classes of predation tolerance, defined by the relation of the response functions at low component densities. A proposed view of management then provided a basis for the incorporation of the analytical generalizations and their associated corollaries into a set of six normative generalizations and their associated corollaries suggesting possible rules of proper management of both system structure and system kinetic organization. The view of management proposed is one which assumes system operation to be unknowable in its entirety due to the extreme complexity of fishery systems. Along with suggesting a high-level framework for management of fishery systems, the resulting generalizations indicate that as one moves farther from the simple special cases, the amount that can be said with certainty about the consequences of managerial activity becomes very limited.
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