Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Surface temperature effects on the fouling characteristics of cooling water

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  • A cooling tower system was built and fouling resistances were studied for cooling water flowing over a heated tubular surface. The cooling water studied was formulated in an effort to match industrial cooling water quality. The water used in this study had an average Ryznar Stability Index of 6.23 and was formulated by adding calcium chloride and magnesium carbonate to tap water. Fouling resistance versus time was plotted for each experimental run, and the resulting curves indicate a close approximation to industrial conditions can be made in a laboratory environment. Fouling resistances were obtained at surface temperatures from 136°F to 199°F. The flow velocity and water quality were held constant during these runs. A correlation modeled after the Arrhenius temperature function was developed for surface temperature and asymptotic fouling resistance values. The model obtained has a correlation coefficient of .95 and a standard deviation of 4. 08% for data obtained in this study. The Ryznar Stability Index proved to be a poor indicator of water fouling tendency with the cooling water used in the present study.
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