Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Identified Influences on Second Generation Latina/os on Their Pathway Through Community College

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  • The purpose of this study is to determine factors that encourage second generation Latina/os to obtain a community college education. A critical qualitative ethnography focused on "Testimonio" was used in conducting this study. The key findings were formulated around three critical research questions. In relation to each research question, three themes were incorporated into the research questions to determine identified influences. The research questions were as follows: (a) What experiences (personal, educational, familial, etc.) influenced students' decision to pursue a higher education? (b) How does the Latina/o culture influence college attendance? (c) How has the community college environment served as a tool for empowerment and furthering enrollment in higher education in the Latina/o community? The nine themes that corresponded to each research question, were as follows: (a) migration experience; (b) early living conditions, (c) social isolation, (d) acquiring the English language, (e) cultural identity, (f) peer and family influence in pursuing a collegiate education, (g) influential memories of K-12, (h) the impact of community college, (i) personal experiences and major influences to attend community college. The student participants in this study were second generation, born in the United States, Mexico, and Peru. The students were either bilingual in Spanish and English or they had lost the ability to speak their native Spanish language and solely spoke English. The student participants received the majority of their K-12 education in the United States, Mexico, or Peru.
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