Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Dynamic mathematical model of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between soil and atmosphere

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  • Gaseous transport through soil in the presence of soil microorganisms has been investigated. More recently, modeling of gaseous transport in the unsaturated zone has been investigated. However, the problem of mathematical model of oxygen and carbon dioxide transport through soil, as affected by the climatic conditions, the transport of soil water, and the biological activities, has not been studied. The problem of time-dependent diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through plant canopy and soil system, as affected by the infiltration and evaporation of soil water and the rate of consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide by plant leaves and roots and soil microorganisms was studied, using a one-dimensional mathematical model. This model consists of four sets of non-linear partial differential field equations, which describe the time-dependent simultaneous transport of water, heat, oxygen, and carbon dioxide through the soils. Finite difference methods were used to find the approximate solutions for the four sets of non-linear partial differential field equations. The field equations for the transport of water and heat were approximated by using the implicit scheme. The field equations for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide were approximated by using the explicit scheme. A computer program was written in Fortran code to conduct the simulations of the mathematical model. Simultaneous transport of water, heat, oxygen, and carbon dioxide through the unsaturated Indio loam soil, through the compacted and the non-compacted soil during infiltration, redistribution, and evaporation of soil water was evaluated. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the canopy and soil system was examined. Several different functions for the root elongation and the root oxygen consumption rates were used. Root elongation rate was chosen to depend on oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations, in addition to being a function of time. Root oxygen consumption rate was assumed to be a function of root age, in addition to being a function of oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations. Results illustrate that the behaviors of the simultaneous transport of water, heat, oxygen, and carbon dioxide were well predicted by the model.
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