Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Latinx Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Students & the College Assistance Migrant Program: Stories of Strength, Persistence, and Success

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  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2017), Latinx people are the fastest growing ethnic group in the nation but are least likely to enroll in institutions of higher education and fewer eventually earn a degree even if enrolled. Enrollment rates for Latinx students with migrant and seasonal farmworker (MSFW) background have even lowerenrollment. In 2004, the Oregon State University College Assistance Migrant Program (OSU CAMP) was established to support the success of migrant and seasonal farm worker students. CAMP helps them enroll in and complete their first year of college and increasesthe persistence of CAMP students during their second year in college.However, scholars have emphasized the gap between Latinx MSFW and non-Latinx MSFW students who graduate and in doing and research has reflected a consistent trend that Latinx MSFW students remain less likely to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. While the intention is to focus the attention and support on students, it may also naturalize their failure to succeed and frame them as students whose experiences and interests would not enrich the university and succeed in college (Gray, 2013). Absent from research is an asset-based approach focusing on students’ inner strengths, or cultural wealth, that motivate them to enroll and become successful college students. This study utilizes a Community Cultural Wealth framework (Yosso, 2005) to explore the role of cultural capital on Latinx MSFW student success from a perspective of presence.
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