Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Investigation of a noise-shaping accelerometer interface circuit for two-chip implementation

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  • The world market for sensors is several hundred million dollars growing at an annual rate of 20 percent with accelerometers comprising 19 percent of the market. With an increasing market, a wide range of applications with varying degrees of resolution are in demand. Therefore, there is sufficient motivation for developing new architectures that are more accurate, reliable, less costly, and easy to implement in any given application. This research investigates a new proposed architecture intended to improve each of the mentioned motivations. Capacitive sensors and their electrical interfaces measure the displacement of a suspended beam mass in response to an input acceleration. The studied architecture is a two-chip solution with the capacitive sensor and electrical interface fabricated independently. This two-chip approach has several advantages. The micro-machining process for capacitive sensors is difficult with lower yields than most VLSI technologies. By fabricating the electrical interface in a different process with higher yields and smaller geometries, the cost of the architecture is reduced. As micro-machining yields improve, this advantage will diminish in favor of single-chip integration of the sensor and interface. If the production volumes are high and a single-chip solution is best suited for a particular application, this architecture can be easily integrated on one chip. Another advantage of a two-chip solution is the ease of implementation. The sensor is able to he placed at the point of interest while the electrical interface can be placed in a more convenient location. Also, several sensors can be multiplexed to one electrical interface. Sensors can be replaced while keeping the interface circuitry intact. This lowers cost and increases reliability of the system. Given its flexibility, the architecture is easy to implement and maintain in most applications.
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