Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship between sibling status and sex-role preference among preschool-aged children

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  • The primary purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the variables of sex, age, sibling status, age relationship of sibling, age spacing between siblings and sex-role preference among preschool-aged children. Seventy-one children, 32 boys and 39 girls, ranging in ages from two-years-eleven-months to five-years-seven-months, served as subjects. All subjects came from two-child, intact families from the upper and middle socioeconomic levels. The It Scale for Children (ITSC) was used to measure the subjects' sex-role o.references. Five null hypotheses were generated, and the analysis of variance was used to test these hypotheses. F-values were generated for tests of the major variables and their interaction effects. The .05 level of significance was chosen as the criterion of statistical significance. Findings are summarized below. There was a significant difference between the sex-role preference scores of boys and girls (F 8. 201, p <. 05). Boys had significantly higher own-sex-role preference scores than girls. A study of the mean values associated with the sex interaction effect comparisons, while not statistically significant, revealed tendencies in the data which further substantiated this finding. There was no significant difference between the sex-role preference scores of older and younger subjects. A study of the mean values associated with the main effect of age and its interaction effects, however, although not statistically significant, indicated a tendency for older subjects to have higher own-sex-role preference scores than younger subjects in all but two age interaction comparisons. There was no significant difference between the sex-role preference scores of subjects with an opposite-sex sibling and those with a same-sex sibling. A study of mean values associated with the sibling status interaction effect comparisons further substantiated this finding. There was no significant difference between the sex-role preference scores of subjects with a sibling older than they and subjects with a sibling younger than they. A study of the mean values associated with all Sibling Status x Age Relationship (SS x AR) interaction effect comparisons, while not statistically significant, revealed a number of interesting tendencies. In all these interactions, (1) subjects with a same-sex sibling older than they had slightly higher own-sex-role preference 'scores than subjects with an opposite-sex sibling older than they, (2) subjects who had a same-sex sibling older than they had slightly higher own-sex-role preference scores than subjects with a same-sex sibling younger than they, and (3) subjects who had an opposite-sex sibling older than they had lower own-sex-role preference scores than subjects with an opposite-sex sibling younger than they. There was no significant difference between the sex-role preference scores of subjects in the close age spacing and those in the distant age spacing groups. A study of the mean values associated with the Sibling Status x Age Relationship of Sibling x Age Spacing between Siblings (SS x AR x AS) interaction effect comparisons indicated interesting trends. In this interaction, (1) subjects with an older same-sex sibling in the close age spacing group had slightly higher own-sex-role preference scores than subjects with an older same-sex sibling in the distant age spacing group, and (2) subjects with an older opposite-sex sibling in the close age spacing group tended to have lower own-sex-role preference scores than subjects with an older opposite-sex sibling in the distant age spacing group. It should be emphasized that due to the statistical non-sig-nificance of many of the findings and the variety of limitations encountered in this study, extreme caution must be exercised in interpreting the results obtained. All significant findings and tendencies obtained were related to both theoretical and research literature. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were also discussed.
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