Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Patterns of soil organic matter and microclimate accompanying the death and regeneration of a mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana ) forest

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  • Soil organic matter levels, soil temperature and moisture, and vegetation properties were measured along a sequence of death and regeneration in a mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) forest. The sequence is produced by slowly moving waves of the root pathogen Phellinus weirii. While analysis of variance for all sampled soil layers indicated no change in carbon mass along the gradient, data suggested a loss of carbon in the 02 layer after stand death. Moisture in the organic layers decreased from the old growth to the young regeneration area and increased in the older regeneration area. In contrast, both moisture in the mineral soil and temperature at three profile depths increased from the old growth to the young regeneration area and decreased in the older regeneration area. Multiple regression analyses revealed that little variation in soil carbon levels was explained by variation in vegetation and soil microclimate.
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