Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The use of a dynamic linear program for selecting optimum cropping patterns on a San Joaquin Valley, California, farm

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  • This study uses a dynamic linear program to determine the optimum cropping pattern which should be followed by a specific San Joaquin Valley, California, farm in order to maximize returns to fixed factors of production. The study combines as much pertinent information as could be gained from personal interviews with the specific Case Farm's managers. The study also draws on previous production and cost analysis data of California conditions in order to build a complete linear program model. The Case Farm's linear program activities are confined mainly to field crops; cotton, barley, milo, alfalfa, safflower, and sugar beets and some related activities such as fallow land and double cropping. The linear program restrictions directly include availability of land of various degrees of fertility, the availability of irrigation water and federal cotton allotment programs. The availability of equipment at critical times of the crop season is also considered. The dynamic aspect of the linear program occurs because the Case Farm's rotational policy is included. The program selects an optimum crop plan for three years based on the crops being grown in the initial year. The optimum crop plan selected by the dynamic linear program appears to be consistent with known data and capable of being operational as far as the managers of the Case Farm are concerned. There is also evidence that the economic benefits gained from making future crop plans with the aid of this dynamic linear program will outweigh the cost of developing and executing the linear program model.
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