Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Influence of photosynthesis and carbohydrates on adventitious root formation by leafy cuttings

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  • Many investigators have suggested that current photosynthate supply can limit adventitious root formation on leafy cuttings. Accordingly, studies were undertaken to determine the effects of altering photosynthesis and carbohydrate levels on adventitious root formation by leafy cuttings of a number of different species. Pea cuttings rooted at high CO₂ (1800 μl/liter) or 87% relative humidity (high RH) had increased root dry weight and root length compared to those rooted at normal CO₂ (350 μl/liter) or low RH (55%). The difference in root dry weight was due to increased photosynthesis and hence increased carbohydrate supply under high CO₂ or RH. The increased root length on the cuttings rooted at high CO₂ or RH, however, was probably at least in part due to increased water potential (Ψw). Cuttings of 8 ornamental species were also rooted at elevated CO₂ (1200 μl/liter). Root system size was increased in 5 of the species and was unaffected in the other 3 indicating that the effects of CO₂ enrichment during rooting are species dependent. In some species CO₂ enrichment during rooting decreased the time to obtain heavy, well-rooted cuttings probably by increasing carbohydrate levels and raising Ψw. When net photosynthesis by pea cuttings was reduced by several different treatments the number of roots per cutting decreased, but this decrease was overcome by the application of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or partially overcome by the application of exogenous sugars. These results suggest that when daily net CO₂ fixation per cutting was reduced both endogenous auxin and carbohydrates simultaneously limited the number of roots formed per cutting. The application of IBA to cuttings rooted during light saturated photosynthesis also enhanced rooting suggesting that endogenous auxin limited rooting regardless of the supply of current photosynthate. Experiments were conducted to alter carbohydrate levels in Rhododendron cuttings by storing cuttings in the dark or by rooting them under different shade levels. Although these treatments had some influence on carbohydrate levels, the effects were not large enough to significantly influence rooting or were opposed by other effects which masked the influence of carbohydrates on rooting.
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