Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship between tibial nerve conduction velocity and selected strength and power variables in college football linemen

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  • Twenty-seven male college football linemen from the Oregon State University football team served as subjects for the study to determine which variables in strength and power would be best suited for use in regression analysis with tibial nerve conduction velocity (TNCV). The purpose of the investigation was to determine whether or not a significant linear relationship existed between TNCV and levels of strength and power in college football linemen. Stepwise regression search methods selected vertical jump power (VJP) as the best variable according to the predetermined F value of 4.22. Linear regression analysis showed that a significant linear relationship existed between TNCV and VJP (p < .01). The slope of the regression line was negative and the relationship between TNCV and VJP was an inverse one where higher rates of TNCV were associated with lower outputs in VJP. Explanations for this relationship centered on muscle function and adaptive abilities by individual subjects to compensate for physiological limitations.
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