Graduate Project

Methodological considerations for implementing the U.S. Soil Conservation Service Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) System in Oregon, with special reference to Marion County, Oregon

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  • Oregon land use specialists believe that the present definitions of farm and forest land in the state planning goals are too broad. This results in poor quality resource lands being as strongly protected as those of top quality. With persistent growth pressure on rural lands, a means to distinguish among primary, secondary and nonresource lands must be developed so that these areas may be zoned for the uses for which they are best-suited. The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission established a Rural Lands Advisory Committee in 1985 to study the resource lands problem. The committee is considering using a form of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service Land Evaluation and Site Assessment System to make the distinction among resource categories. Based on the experience of Marion County, Oregon, such an application of the system appears to be feasible. At least five other states have adopted some form of a statewide evaluation system, but, such a system could be more difficult to develop in Oregon because of the state's size, agricultural diversity and complex land use planning process. There are several ways in which the Land Evaluation and Site Assessment System can be used in the Oregon land use program. To be most effective, the system should be developed and implemented at a regional or county level with close supervision by the Department of Land Conservation and Development. No matter what level of government is responsible, there are a number of technical and political issues that must be resolved before the system can be used in the Oregon program. Resolution of the problems hinges on thoughtful guidance by the Department and is necessary for consistent and justifiable results.
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