Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Storm runoff characteristics of various plant communities within the Oregon Range Validation Area

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  • A sediment production and infiltration study was conducted within the Oregon Range Validation Project Work Area in east-central Oregon during the summers of 1977 and 1978. High intensity rainfall was simulated by using a Rocky Mountain Infiltrometer. This sprinkler-type infiltrometer closely approximates conditions associated with natural rainfall. The basic ecological land unit for research purposes within the Validation Area is defined as the "Resource Unit". Resource units were derived in the Forest-Range Environmental Study (FRES) (USDA 1972) by categorizing the forest and range land into 34 ecosystems, four productivity levels, and three condition classes. Ten of the 34 ecosystems are found within the Validation Area. Multiple range tests were used in order to compare data among resource units. Stepwise regression was used to evaluate the significance of vegetative cover, litter, and pavement on sediment production and infiltration. Sediment values ranged from 1572 kg/ha in the Juniper ecosystem to 15 kg/ha in the Larch ecosystem. Significant differences in sediment production were noted among the majority of study areas. Mean infiltration rates ranged from 8.2 cm/hr in the Meadow ecosystem to 6.6 cm/hr in the Ponderosa pine ecosystem. Infiltration rates in the forested areas were more closely correlated with condition class than productivity class. Both condition class and productivity levels were correlated with filtration in the non-forested areas. Results of the Stepwise regression analysis indicated that vegetative cover, litter, and pavement were more closely correlated with potential sediment production than with infiltration rates.
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