Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An implementation of a parallel processing package in LISP

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  • The concept of a process is often used in connection with operations of parts of a computer system. This thesis discusses processes in terms of their use as representations of a physical object or system. Five primitives are introduced as operators for allowing processes to be run in a piecemeal fashion. A function package is presented which supplements UCI LISP and allows the user to define LISP functions as processes which (conceptually) run in parallel. The process functions are presented as a package which supplements the LISP system. The functions SUSPEND, RESUME and TERMINATE allow the user to temporarily stop the execution of an instance, continue the execution of an instance, or destroy an instance of a process, respectively. The ACCESS function allows one instance to look up variable values local to another instance. The START function is used as a process controller and begins the execution of the processes. Two illustrations of the function package are given. The first example, a growth model of a stand of grand fir trees, has been implemented and illustrates parallel processing in a numerical simulation environment. The second example is the Lee algorithm for finding the shortest path through a directed weighted graph. This example has not been implemented, but is discussed as an example of parallel processing in a symbolic computational environment.
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