Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Instabilities in InP MIS capacitors

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  • The drain current of InP MISPETs is often observed to decrease as a function of time after the application of a positive gate bias which involves an accumulation of electrons in the channel. Various models have been proposed for this drain current drift (DCD) phenomenon. In this thesis, variable-temperature bias-stress measurements of InP MIS capacitors were employed in order to determine the dominant DCD mechanism from a analysis of the activation energy of the flat band voltage shift. Two distinct activation energies at 40-50meV and 1.1- 1.2eV were obtained from variable-temperature bias-stress measurements over a temperature range of 100-350K. The 40- 50meV activation energy dominants the flat band shift at low temperatures and is consistant with thermally activated tunneling of electrons from the InP conduction band into a discrete trap in the native oxide. The 1.1-1.2 eV activation energy is that predicted for phosphorous vacancy nearest-neighbour hopping (PVNNH) in which the channel electrons are captured by shallow acceptors which are created by the hopping of an In atom into a phosphorous vacancy. The estimated fraction of the flat band shift in these particular samples at room temperature due to PVNNH is approximately 20%. The mechanism of PVNNH has also been investigated through a computer simulation of the flat band shift versus time. The simulation is based on an analysis of the kinetics of the PVNNH defect reaction sequence in which the electron concentration in the channel is related to the applied bais by a solution of the Poisson equation. The simulation demonstrates quantitatively that the temperature dependence of the flat band shift is associated with PVNNH for temperatures above room temperature. A slight deviation from the experimental data at high temperature is apparent in the simulation and several reasons for this small deviation are provided.
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