Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An evaluation of finite difference methods for calculating heat transfer in fuel pins with eccentrically placed pellets

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  • In fuel pin fabrication, there is no assurance that a fuel pellet will be loaded concentrically. Therefore, azimuthal variations exist in the temperature field giving rise to asymmetry in the neutron flux distribution and pin stresses. Calculations must be made to determine the two dimensional temperature profile which may then be used to evaluate the resulting fuel pellet and cladding stresses and deformations. It is most convenient, in these type calculations, to utilize an existing general purpose finite difference code. However, these codes can only treat concentric regions. Two general approaches have been used to treat the problem. The first is to approximate the outer boundary by a ratchet. This results in an increase in the number of radial node regions required and a subsequent loss of economy. The second approach utilizes concentric regions and defines a variable conductivity within the gas gap to account for the eccentric condition. This reduces the number of radial node regions and results in savings in both computation time and core space. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate these two approaches for power reactor fuel pin calculations and extend the methodology to general eccentric calculations.
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