Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The Impact of Motivation in the University Spanish Classroom

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  • The study of motivation in second language acquisition has been a matter of interest for many years. The research objective of this project was to conduct a study that would determine the motivation level of students of Spanish 113 during Spring term 2016 at Oregon State University, and how their motivation was reflected on their final grades. This project used a survey as the research method to provide an analysis on the students’ motivation, first determining what types of motivation were more common, and to what degree the students were motivated in each type. The analysis was based both on the amount of positive vs. negative responses for each motivation type, and on a comparison of their final grades among all motivation types, using the general mean as a reference. A quantitative approach was used to assess the potential impact that motivation, determined by the questions in the survey, had on the students’ performance and success in the Spanish classroom. The results of this research demonstrate that generally students with a higher level of motivation scored higher than students with a lower level of motivation. It was also proved that students who were taking the class as part of a major requirement scored lower than students who were taking the class by choice. However, the relation between the students’ motivation level and their final grades was not always a decisive factor on the impact of motivation. Recommendations for future research on motivation in the university Spanish classroom are discussed within the study.
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