Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Essays in international economics

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  • This dissertation consists of two papers on International Trade topics. The first paper addresses the development of trade patterns between countries in transition and developed economies. The second paper focuses on the nonparametric estimation of the Knowledge-Capital model of multinationals. The first paper provides a framework for understanding patterns of trade between transition countries (TE) and developed countries. An augmented generalized gravity model is used to compare actual and expected levels of trade. All standard gravity-type variables are significant and have signs as expected. Factor endowments play an important role in explaining country trade flows. In all industries TE exports appear to be less capital- and skill-intensive, being at the same time more land-intensive compared to TE imports from developed countries. Skill is one of the most important factors boosting trade with the developed countries. It has a particularly high effect on export development in manufactures sectors. The second paper adopts a very flexible framework of additive nonparametric regression to obtain new empirical evidence on the knowledge-capital (KC) model of multinational activity. Previous empirical studies of the KC model have relied on a linear parametric specification despite of the highly nonlinear nature of the model. Results of these studies have produced mixed evidence on the KC model, mostly stemming from the weak support of its vertical component. In contrast, our results obtained using a new backfitting procedure, the local linear smooth backfitting of Mammen et al. (1999), are largely consistent with theoretical predictions. In particular, the results support the hypothesis of greater divergence in resource endowments leading to increased affiliate activity.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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