Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Management effects on the nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur status of grass-legume pastures

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  • These studies were initiated to investigate the influence of previous superphosphate fertilizer practices and grazing stock history on nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur status in soils from grass-legume pastures. Four Western Oregon soil series, Dixonville, Demint, Winema and Josephine, were included in the study. Laboratory experiments and greenhouse trials were conducted on surface soils sampled from fields subjected to varying past fertilizer and stocking practices. The oxidizable carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur status of the soils was determined, and yield and composition of ryegrass grown in the sampled soils was also investigated. Greenhouse studies with ryegrass as a bioassay revealed that the previous superphosphate fertilizer history as well as period of grazing and stocking intensity increased yield. Moreover, plant nutrient composition of the bioassay ryegrass tended to reflect residual effects from superphosphate fertilizer and the returns of animal droppings on the surface 10 cm of soils. Percent oxidizable carbon, total soil nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur from top 10 cm of surface soil suggested that the trends in changes of the C:N:P:S ratios from unimproved to improved soils were consistent with the bioassay results obtained in the greenhouse ryegrass experiment.
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