Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A comparison of eddy correlation and dissipation techniques for computing the fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture in the marine boundary layer

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  • The results of measurements of the fluxes of momentum, moisture and sensible heat in the marine boundary layer are described. Two techniques for obtaining the fluxes are discussed. The fluxes of these quantities are most directly obtained by the eddy correlation method, that is, by measuring the fluctuating vertical and downstream velocity (w and u), temperature (T) and humidity (q) and computing the covariances wu, wT and wq. The fluxes are also computed by obtaining a measure of the energy dissipation rate from second-order structure functions and relating the dissipation to the production of energy. To use the dissipation methods, values of universal inertial-convective subrange constants (Kolmogoroff constants) are required. Kolmogoroff constants are computed from second and third-order structure functions. Most of the data were collected on R.V. FLIP during BOMEX (Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment) and during a pre-BOMEX trial cruise near San Diego. A small amount of additional data was collected from a site at South Beach, Oregon. The value of the Kolmogoroff constant for velocity is consistent with other recent observations. The temperature and humidity constants are found to be equal within the measurement error and have values of about 0.8. The two methods for computing the fluxes agree on average for momentum and moisture flux. The two methods do not agree for sensible heat flux during BOMEX although there is fair agreement for the San Diego data.
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