Abstract |
- The North Unit irrigation District of Central Oregon,
a water project developed under the guidelines of the
Bureau of Reclamation, is characterized by limited water
and the need for efficient utilization and control of the
irrigation system. To manage the limited water resource,
irrigators need a timely and economical method of detecting
problems associated with parameters of the irrigation water
management system.
The primary objective of this research was to determine
the practicality of utilizing thermal infrared imagery and
color infrared photography for assessing irrigation water
management problems. Within this objective the key tasks
were to: examine the relationship between the physical and
cultural components that play an integral role in irrigation
water management; determine the applications of remote
sensing for detecting non-uniformity of water distribution
over selected fields during three stages of crop growth;
determine the applications of remote sensing for detecting
crop response in relation to a diversity of field conditions;
determine the application of remote sensing for analyzing
conveyance system leakage sites; and examine possible
techniques for maintaining proper irrigation water management.
A field survey of the area covered by the overflights
was used to map patterns of fields and irrigation methods.
Additionally, maps showing soil series and percent slope
were produced of the overflight coverage area. The survey
and maps provided a valuable reference during interpretation
of the imagery and photography to determine relationships
between soils, topography, crop type, size and shape of
fields, and irrigation methods employed.
Information on cropping history, soil amendments, and
irrigation scheduling strategies were obtained from case
study farmers. Ground-based measurements were made in
conjunction with overflights to determine field characteristics.
This involved precise notation of weather conditions,
soil parameters and crop characteristics of case study sites.
The thermal infrared imagery (flown May 21, May 24, July
7, and September 7, 1979) and color infrared photography
(flown May 12, July 9, and September 7, 1979) were analyzed
with the aid of a stereomicroscope, film viewing light table,
and digital image processor.
Data gathered through farm interviews, ground-based
measurements, and imagery and aerial photographic interpretation
were statistically treated using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences program at Oregon State
The results of this research demonstrate the practicality
of using thermal infrared imagery and color infrared
photography for detecting problems associated with the
irrigation water management system. The thermal infrared
imagery was useful for detecting canal leakage, non-uniformity
of water distribution at all stages of crop growth, and
apparent crop canopy temperatures as an indicator of crop
The color infrared photography was useful for detecting
crop stress resulting from a variety of field conditions.
Field conditions detected on the photography and affecting
crop health included physical parameters of the land resource
base (soils, topography, and climate), the influence of
irrigators through tillage practices, the affect of irrigation
water applications, and the influence of applications of
herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Additionally, color
infrared photography was used to determine the extent of
unexpected system problems (e.g. flooding caused by a lateral
canal plugging).