Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Application of polyallylamine as a dry strength agent

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  • Dry strength is an inherent structural property of a paper sheet. It is due primarily to the development of fiber-to-fiber bonds. Polyamines, especially polyallylamine·HC1 (PAA), were found to be suitable mordants for rosin sizing. However, their effectiveness as dry strength agents has not been studied. In this study polyallylamine·HC1 was found to be an effective dry strength agent. With unbleached kraft pulp, 0.5% PAA on mass of oven dry pulp was sufficient to increase the dry strength of handsheets, while bleached kraft pulp required more PAA based on the mass of oven dry pulp. Different strength properties were measured and it was found that the largest increase was in the folding endurance of the handsheets. The strength properties were highly dependent on the drying conditions of the handsheets. In this paper dry strength development is discussed based on the interaction between protonated (cationic) PAA and the cellulosic fibers and between the interaction of the cationic amine and the aromatic [pi]-bonding of lignin. PAA was effective as a dry strength agent and the bursting strength, folding endurance and the tensile strength increased for handsheets made from different types of pulps using polyallylamine·HC1. PAA is a promising material that may offer superior performance in some specialized applications.
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