Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Augmenting self-study materials with microcomputer-based lessons: a case study

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  • An experiment was conducted at Oregon State University to evaluate the effectiveness of Computer Aided Instruction based lessons in a self study environment. The 47 student subjects were assigned to one of three groups: a CAI-EXP group which used a CAI lesson for teaching introductory FORTRAN formatted input and output; a PRT-EXP group which used a printed version of this CAI lesson; and a CONTROL group which used no supplemental materials. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a particular condition was (1) the number of retakes on the quiz associated with lesson 4, (2) the number of I/O related questions answered correctly on this quiz; and (3) the total score on this quiz. The results of the analysis for these measures showed that none of the subjects in the CAI-EXP group had to take a retest on this quiz. Furthermore, the CAI-EXP group significantly outperformed the other two groups on the other measures as well. The conclusion to be drawn is that the CAI materials had a major impact on the performance on the students exposed to them. These findings thus suggest that supplemental CAI materials can have a positive effect on student performance in a self study environment.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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