Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the serologic diagnosis of bovine adenovirus type 3

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  • An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed to measure specific antibody response in bovine sera to bovine adenovirus type 3 (BA3), an etiologic agent of respiratory disease causing economic losses annualy to the cattle industry. Observed endpoint titers were determined using the intersection point from optical density values of serially diluted sera with a positive-negative threshold. Regression equations were determined from standards with titers ranging from low to high and used to predict ELISA titers from a single-serum dilution. A near-linear relationship existed between the observed and predicted ELISA titers of 118 bovine sera (r=0.9261). Predicted ELISA titers were determined using the single-dilution method for another 76 bovine sera and the correlation between the ELISA titers and serum-virus neutralization titers for these sera indicated a strong linear trend (r=0.8172). Both the ELISA and serum-virus neutralization titers on the bovine sera tested indicated widespread exposure to several types of bovine adenovirus. Although detection of active infection would still require examination of sera over time for evidence of a rising titer, the single-dilution ELISA devised should provide a rapid and sensitive method for detection of antibody response to bovine adenovirus type 3.
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