Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Attitudes of Venezuelan parents toward childrearing : a study based on the parent as a teacher inventory

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  • The central goal of this study was to assess Venezuelan parent attitudes toward specific areas of parent-child relationships such as child creativity, child play, parental sense of frustration in childrearing, the amount of parental control exercised over their children, and parents' perception of themselves as teachers of their own children. The instrument used for this study was the Parent as a Teacher Inventory which is a composite attitude scale suitable to assess individual feelings and behaviors about certain aspects of the parent-child interactive system, their standards for assessing the importance of various child behaviors, and their value preferences concerning child behavior. The instrument was applied to a stratified random sample consisting of 384 Venezuelan parents who had 4 to 6 year old children in preschool during the academic year 1984-1985 in the Venezuelan Andean cities of San Cristobal, Merida, and Trujillo. Tests of significance were conducted using a one-way analysis of variance, followed by Duncan's multiple comparison test for the rejected hypotheses. A simple linear regression analysis was used to determine which of the sample group independent variables was the best predictor of PAAT scores. Results of this study indicated that occupational status, sex of the parents, educational background, family income, and accessibility to the child had effects on four of the five PAAT-subsets. No independent variable effect was found on the creativity subset of the PAAT Inventory. Occupational status was found to be the best predictor for the PAAT total scores as well as for four of the five subsets: Frustration, Control, Play, and Teaching-Learning. No correlation for the Creativity subset of the PAAT was found among the independent variables . Based on the findings of the study, a replication is necessary taking into consideration the independent variable of occupational status. Findings of differences among Venezuelan parents indicate that research should be conducted in the areas of child creativity, child play, and parental control effects upon the development of Venezuelan children.
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