Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of dietary fiber level on the proximate composition and water-holding capacity of rabbit meat

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  • The influence of alfalfa fiber level 28, 54 and 74% in diets on the proximate compositions, pH and water-holding capacity of raw and cooked rabbit meat were investigated. Preslaughter live weight, percent dress weight and percent abdominal fat of rabbits fed 54% alfalfa fiber diet were significantly higher and total moisture content in raw rabbit meat was significantly less than those of rabbit groups fed 28 and 74% alfalfa fiber diets. The cooked meat from rabbit fed 54% alfalfa fiber diet had a lower protein content and total cooking losses as compared to the other two alfalfa fiber diets. From the results, the 54% was considered as the optimum alfalfa fiber level for rabbits to achieve optimum growth and to produce good quality meat. Cooking the rabbit meat increased pH, total protein, total lipids, and total cholesterol. However, on a dry weight basis, the total cholesterol content decreased which was caused by heat degradation. Alfalfa fiber level and the sex factor interaction effect was observed on the total cholesterol content on dry weight basis, and calcium on wet weight basis in raw meat. On wet weight basis, rabbit meat from all three groups fed alfalfa fiber diets contained an average of 74% total moisture, 21.95% total protein, 13.234 mg/100g calcium, 393 mg/100g potassium, 3.57% total lipids, and 74.93 mg/100g total cholesterol. Compared with other edible meat such as beef and pork, rabbit meat is a good source of edible meat.
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