Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Building Economically Resilient Rural Communities

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  • Rural communities will continue to be disproportionately shocked by economic fluctuations. Market forces are likely to lead to the decline of many rural communities and they will need to be economically resilient to survive. This thesis draws on several social sciences and the natural sciences to develop ideas that communities can use to respond effectively to economic shocks. Specifically, it uses concepts from Douglas North (institutions, organizations and entrepreneurs), A. 0. Hirschman (exit, voice and loyalty), Emery Castle (rural capital) and others to develop a definition of economic resilience and consider how organizations in rural communities may affect economic resilience. It provides an example of how input-output analysis can be used to compare the impacts of a hypothetical shock under two simulated community response scenarios. Findings of this work include: 1) Resilience and keystone species are two of many concepts developed by the natural sciences that can be adapted to the social sciences to help explain and predict the dynamics of economic change. 2) Organizations, in this simulation, significantly reinforced individual efforts to return to equilibrium after a shock. 3) Institutions, primarily informal ones, will determine the latitude that organizations have to build economic resilience in rural communities. This thesis has shown, within the context of a hypothetical shock and simulated scenarios, that effective organizations, which take responsibility for maintaining community resources and processes, can significantly improve economic resilience.
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