Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The electrical conductivity of Atlantic type pyromagmas from Mount Etna, Sicily

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  • The electrical conductivity of the pyromagmas from the Northeast Crater of Mount Etna, Sicily was measured over the temperature range 1032°C to 1071°C and over the frequency range 1 kHz to 400 kHz. Measurements were made using a four-terminal Wenner array in conjunction with a Wavetek Model 110B portable signal generator and Hewlett Packard Model 731 portable electronic voltmeters. The electrical conductivity is of the order of 0.4 mhos/m with less than 20% dispersion over the frequency range. Over the 40 degree temperature interval the temperature coefficient of resistance corresponds to an activation energy of 1.5 ± 0.5 eV. The value for the electrical conductivity of the gas-charged pyromagma is related to values determined in the laboratory for gas-free melts of lava and for glasses and slags of similar chemical composition. An original design of semi-expendable graphite-molybdenum electrode contributed greatly to the reliability of the measurements. A chromatographic analysis of the vent gases, and a silicate analysis, a modal analysis and a normal analysis of the lavas are included for completeness. Finally, as an aid to future electromagnetic probing activity, an analysis and estimate are made of the variation of electrical conductivity of pyromagma with depth in a volcanic conduit.
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