Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Susceptibility of golden chinquapin (Chrysolepis chrysophylla) to Phytophthora cambivora

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  • In early 2000, unusual mortality of a native North American tree, golden chinquapin, was reported by the USDA-Forest Service. Dying trees exhibited girdling cankers in the inner bark of the lower bole, branch flagging and defoliation. Isolations from necrotic tissues and soil associated with diseased or killed trees yielded Phytophthora cambivora, a pathogen that is known to infect and kill chestnut species in Europe and in the United States. Morphological, physiological and molecular testing confirmed the identity of isolates recovered as P. cambivora. Pairing tests showed that both mating types, A1 and A2, of this species were present in forest soil in Oregon. Pathogenicity tests were conducted to confirm the susceptibility of golden chinquapin to P. cambivora. Two inoculation trials were conducted: 1) Trees were wound inoculated with mycelial plugs of P. cambivora; after 35 days necrotic tissues were formed in the inner bark of all the inoculated trees, as seen in natural infections. 2) Seedlings were inoculated with a zoospore suspension of P. cambivora; after 38 days all inoculated seedlings were killed, the roots were rotted and the inner bark of lower stems was necrotic. Phytophthora cambivora was re-isolated from necrotic tissues in both trials, completing Koch's postulates.
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