Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Factors consociated with selection and satisfaction of non-university rental housing as stated by the wives of undergraduate students attending Oregon State University

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  • This study was designed (1) to determine if selected family oriented factors influence student wives' housing satisfaction, (2) to determine which housing factors have the greatest influence on the student wives' satisfaction with their housing, (3) to determine which housing factors influence most the selection of married student housing, (4) to determine if married undergraduate students attending Oregon State University have difficulty finding satisfactory housing due to limited financial resources and a limited number and variety of rental units from which to choose, and (5) to obtain a description of married student rental housing. The participants in this study were the wives of undergraduate students attending Oregon State University and residing in non-university-owned rental housing with a Corvallis, Oregon address, The sample was selected systematically and numbered 40 in size. An interview schedule was used in collecting data pertaining to family-oriented factors, financial resources, cost of housing, satisfaction with housing, description of housing, housing factors consociated with selection of housing and housing factors consociated with housing satisfaction. Fifty-two percent of the participants were employed full-time outside the home. Over 50 percent of the couples had one or more children, had been married two or more years, had resided in their present dwelling less than one year, and had moved one or more times in Corvallis. Sixty-two percent of the wives expressed satisfaction with their rental housing. Two-thirds of the wives indicating dissatisfaction with their present housing planned to move within the next few months. The family-oriented factor, mobility of married students in Corvallis, appeared to influence the wives' satisfaction with their housing. The wives who had moved one or more times in Corvallis expressed more satisfaction with their housing than those wives who had not moved. Employment of the wife outside the home provided the greatest financial assistance for one-half of the families. Thirty-five percent of the wives cited annual incomes for their families of less than $4000. Forty percent of the wives interviewed estimated that their housing costs--rent, utilities, and transportation to campus--totaled $110 or more per month. Fifty-five percent of the families were residing in houses or duplexes. Seventy percent of the families were residing in dwellings not meeting the minimum space requirements for their family size as recommended by the American Public Health Association. Two-thirds of the wives felt that when selecting their present housing there was not an adequate number and variety of rental units from which to choose. Three-fifths of the wives in this study said they had difficulty locating a dwelling within their financial means. The housing factors--cost, location and amount of space within the dwelling--were indicated by the participants in this study as most influential factors in selection of rental housing. At least three-fourths of the 40 wives considered cost, amount of space within the dwelling, amount of storage space, and whether the unit was furnished or unfurnished as important housing factors when selecting their present rental units. At least three-fourths of the 40 wives were satisfied with the following housing factors: location, cost, adequacy of daylight, unit furnished or unfurnished, laundry facilities provided or nearby, number of bedrooms, size of bedrooms and adequacy of ventilation. Satisfaction with the selected housing factors--freedom from bothersome noise, privacy, amount of space within the dwelling, and number of bedrooms--appeared to influence the wives' satisfaction with housing. The majority of wives satisfied with these factors expressed satisfaction with their housing. The majority of wives dissatisfied with these factors expressed dissatisfaction with their housing.
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