Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Global Hierarchical Control of a Park of Spar Buoy-type Floating Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters

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  • Converting energy from ocean waves is a challenging area for control theory application because of the nonlinear dynamics in various time scales. Generally, wave energy converter (WEC) control is applied in order to maximize power absorption, in the most common wave conditions, and subject to the devices’ physical constraints. Commonly, researchers and designers prescribe the type of control algorithm based on the WEC archetype and its actuators. However, due to the nonlinear response to the constantly varying ocean waves, a single controller is unlikely to fit all operating conditions. This dissertation presents a global hierarchically controlled park of floating oscillating water column (OWC) spar-buoy type WECs for grid-scale power production. The controller is composed of a hierarchical controller and a subset of local controllers. The supervisory controller, which is based on the discrete event systems dynamics, ensures a safe and power-improving behavior, by enabling different local controllers depending on the current operating regime. The knowledge incorporated in the supervisor is based on a detailed state-space model of a park of seven OWCs, developed from scratch. This control-oriented wave-to-wire model considers hydrodynamic interactions, nonlinear forces, air compressibility, and a shared mooring configuration in six degrees of freedom. The novel local controllers include a robust second-order sliding mode controller, for reference following between a server and client WEC array and an algorithm for power shedding when needed. The results show good potential for the application of the standard supervisory control approach in Wave Energy, due to its adaptability to different WEC types and incorporation of safety mechanisms.
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