Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Vernalization requirement studies with Pacific Northwest wheats

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  • Vernalization plays a fundamental role in the adaptation of winter cereals to their growing environment by controlling their growth habit, thereby allowing them to escape cold injury. Because of the climatic conditions of the region, dry summers and wet winters, growers sometimes cannot plant all of their winter wheat in fall and raise questions about late planting of winter varieties. This study was conducted to gain a better understanding of the vernalization requirement of winter wheat varieties currently grown in the Pacific Northwest. A greenhouse procedure was also developed to be used in determining the vernalization requirement of new wheat varieties. Twenty varieties, representing a wide range of vernalization response, were tested in the field during the 1991 through 1993 cropping seasons. Varieties were sown from early October through late March at differing time intervals. Accumulated growing degree days from planting were calculated by averaging daily temperature CERES wheat model formulas were used to calculate vernalization days. Heading, plant height, number of heads/m row and yield parameters were measured. Relative vernalization index was created for grouping the varieties according to their vernalization response. Results of the field studies indicated that Dusty, Eltan, Flora, Hill 81, Kmor and Yamhill have a strong vernalization requirement. They showed rapid deterioration in all parameters as a result of reduction in vernalization days due to late sowing. Weak vernalization requirement varieties -Hoff, Oveson, Treasure and Whitman were less affected by reduction in vernalization days. Other varieties were intermediate in response. Similar variety response were observed during green house experiments where the same varieties were chilled for 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days at 6 - 7 °C constant temperature. Hoff, Hyak, Oveson, Treasure and Whitman headed after only 7 days of cold treatment. The varieties Eltan, Flora, Hill 81, Kmor, Rodhe and Yamhill showed marked response to vernalization. Heading of those varieties only occurred after four or five weeks of cold treatment. This study suggests that (1) varieties vary widely in vernalization response (2) varieties can be grouped in strong, medium and weak vernalization response classes (3) strong vernalization requirement varieties can be planted until late February, but yield would be low, less than 50 % (4) weak vernalization requirement varieties can be planted until late March, but yield would be low, less than 50 % (5) a green house procedure can be used for the assessment of the vernalization requirement of new wheat varieties.
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