Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Percussion welding force, temperature and time relationships for welding 6061-T6 aluminum

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  • The force, temperature, and time relationships were investigated by using oscilloscope measurement techniques. Force was measured using a strain gage and the dynamic response recorded with a polaroid oscilloscope camera. Temperature was measured with a tungsten-rhenium thermocouple and recorded in the same manner. Residual stress measurements were made to determine an approximate temperature gradient of the weld zone. Tensile strength was used for determining the quality of the weld. All relationships were displayed using tensile strength as the dependent variable. An exponentially-shaped drop shaft was designed to control the force characteristics. No force wave-reflections were observed. The design criteria were high damping, smooth transitions, and coupling to the air. Process variables were reduced to allow observation of the force, time, and temperature relationships. The magnetic field, due to the current carrying leads, was a major factor in causing unsymmetrical arc formation and was reduced by shielding. Resistance of the circuit was controlled by providing bolted connections and using stainless steel strips for the varlable resistance element. The voltage and capacitance parameters were maintained at one setting in order to eliminate their effect. Oxide Iayers were not controlled but the studs and plates were cleaned of grease and films. Metallurgical relationships are discussed but not displayed. Cracking in the weld pone exists in some cases and overaging has been observed. These adverse metallurgical effects usually accompany a thick weld zone.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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