Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Classifying and Synthesizing 3D Shapes of Objects using Deep Neural Networks

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  • Reasoning about 3D shape of objects is important for successful computer visionapplications in robotics, 3D rendering and modeling. In this thesis, we address twoproblems { First, given an image, we generate 3D shape of the foreground object thatappears in the image. Second, we predict the class label of the input 3D object shape.Recent work uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for these problems. However,their training is difficult, since it requires a large amount of training data. Also, in 3Dshape generation, existing approaches can not generate realistic 3D shapes and havelimited variations in generated 3D shapes.This thesis addresses these issues. We present two novel approaches, one for eachproblem. First, for 3D classification, we formulate CNN learning as a beam searchaimed at identifying an optimal CNN architecture as well as estimating parametersof such an optimal CNN. This model pursuit approach is evaluated on 3D ShapeNetdataset. Second, we introduce a 3D-VAE-GAN (3D Variational AutoEncoder - Generative Adversarial Network) model to synthesize high-quality 3D objects from 2D imagesin ObjectNet3D dataset. Our experimental evaluation shows that our new CNN learningachieves the state-of-the-art results with better modeling efficiency, i.e., with fewer parameters which are much easier to train. Also, in 3D shape synthesis, we achieve largervariability in shapes.
  • Keywords: 3D Shape, Deep Learning, Object Recognition
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