Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Needs assessment of Oregon home-based business owners

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  • This exploratory study examined Oregon home-based business owners' needs and their willingness to participate in selected educational activities. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) to determine home-based business owners' needs in the areas of Planning and Evaluation, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Laws and Regulations, Product and Quality Control, and Family; (2) to investigate relationships between home-based business owners' demographic factors and their needs; (3) to investigate the relationship between home-based business owners' business-related factors and their needs; (4) to determine home-based business owners' willingness to participate in educational activities; (5) to investigate the relationship between home-based business owners' demographic factors and their willingness to participate in educational activities; and (6) to investigate the relationship between home-based business owners' business-related factors and their willingness to participate in educational activities. The data used in this study were collected by the Oregon State University Extension Service in 1988. The sample included 353 Oregon home-based business owners who completed and returned a twenty six question, mail survey. Statistical analyses of the data were conducted using simple linear regressions, stepwise multiple regressions, t̲-tests, and chi-square statistics. At a significance level of p <̲ .05 there were significant relationships between home-based business owners' (1) demographic factors and their needs, (2) business-related factors and their needs, (3) demographic factors and their willingness to participate in educational activities, and (4) business-related factors and their willingness to participate in educational activities. The results of this study should benefit educators by helping them understand home-based business owners' needs and to assist them in designing, developing, and delivering effective educational resources for home-based business owners.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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